- 25 February 2022
LCL Export Customer Advisory / STG Logistics Storage Reminder
LCL Export Customer Advisory / STG Logistics Storage ReminderIssue Date: February 17, 2022

STG Logistics revised their storage and free time billing across their network as outlined below:
- Export Storage Free Time will be reduced to 21 days and cargo will start accruing storage on Day 22 under all circumstances. The export storage rates across our network will be invoiced as follows:
- Export Storage Free Time:
- 1-21 Days
- Export Storage Period 1:
- 22-30 Days $5.00 per CBM/800 LBS, MIN $10.00/DAY
- Export Storage Period 2:
- 31 Days and after $10.00 per CBM/800 LBS, MIN $20.00/DAY
Where applicable, CaroTrans will pass these costs through to the appropriate party. We appreciate your support. Please do not hesitate to contact your local CaroTrans representative if you have any questions or need additional information.